
Have you ever wanted to decode a binary-encoded text on social media? Then you know how annoying copying the text, opening the browser, googling for a decrypion service, pasting the text and clicking the decryption button is. This service streamlines all of these tasks into a single click on a link, right in the comment.


Simplicity: Create one-click binary-encoded links for easy sharing. One user creates, everyone else can just click to decode.

Free: Enjoy our tool free of charge. No account is required to use the tool.

Privacy: Your data stays in the URL and is processed solely in your browser. No tracking on generated links.

Large community: Over 10000 unique users weekly in less than a month after launch trust Binaryshare.


What is binary?

Binary is the language of 0s and 1s used by computers to store and process information. It is the most basic low-level code that all data is converted into for digital storage and processing.

What does text encoded as binary look like?

Each character in a text string is encoded as a 8-digit binary number. For example "A" is 01000001 and "B" is 01000010 in binary. Punctuation, spaces, and special characters are also converted to their binary representations. Table of common characters and their binary codes.

How can I suggest new features?

We are happy to hear your general feedback or specific feature suggestions. Please use the feedback button in the footer to send us your thoughts.